"There’s so much the business world can contribute to help overcome pressing social problems," said Social Business Trust CEO Joanne Hay at an event last night hosted by EY Lane4.

Speaking on the panel, Joanne was highlighting the benefits of placing purpose at the heart of your organisation.

In conversation with EY Lane4's Adrian Moorhouse, she drew attention to how corporate employees, through SBT, are using their professional skills in practical ways to help charities and social enterprises to grow. The result of this purposeful approach means more people can be supported in the areas of youth employment, education and mental health.

SBT CEO Joanne Hay and Managing Partner at EY Lane4 Adrian Moorhouse

The event was bringing to life recent research by Lane4 on how organisations can shift from ambition to action by getting practical about purpose.

You can read the full report here

If you work at one of SBT’s corporate partners and are interested in putting your skills and expertise to use in support of a social enterprise, contact us on [email protected]