Leap Confronting Conflict (Leap) is the leading youth charity that specialises in creating highly experiential training programmes in conflict navigation.  They work with young people aged between 10 and 25, and the adults in their lives to provide the tools to foster healthy relationships, make positive decisions and inspire self-growth.   

SBT’s investment will allow Leap to develop greater digital, sales and marketing capabilities to diversify income and sell their training courses in a corporate environment.  

In-kind support will come from Refinitiv (an LSEG business), EY, Schroders and Permira, with the support of the SBT Digital Advisory Board as needed. Cash funding will also help with the cost of critical new roles in the organisation; Senior Business Development Officer and Communications and Policy Manager​. 

The challenges facing young people today are too big for one organisation, or indeed one sector, to address alone. So, I am delighted that Leap Confronting Conflict is joining the SBT portfolio. Businesses in the SBT portfolio are supporting our messaging marketing and digital work and taking our corporate conflict training to businesses. Income from this work will enable Leap to support more young people to thrive. –Ben Kernighan, CEO, Leap 

Rob Sartain, Refinitiv (an LSEG business) has provided transformative support since 2021 and will continue providing strategic advice in his role as Investment Director.

There was a lot of hard work from numerous people during Leap’s time in the SBT design process, and I am thrilled for the team that resulted in this investment. The investment will be transformational for Leap, and I thoroughly enjoy playing a small part in the success of such an essential and purposeful organisation.–Rob Sartain, Investment Director
